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IKR Masters Hooton Park

Register Your Entry Details Below

Once You Have Paid your Entry via the Online Store Link Above

Entry fees must be paid by 21st September at the latest

By completing this entry form I confirm I have read and agree to take part and abide by the regulations. I fully understand that motor sport can be dangerous and agree in consideration of Alan Taddei, TDi Media, the management of Hooton Park Circuit and officials overseeing the IKR meeting, granting me and/or the driver I represent as Parent/Guardian the facility to race, to save harmless, indemnifying and protecting their officers, employees, officials, landowners, the drivers of other vehicles, their representatives and agents free from any liability, actions, claims, costs, expenses and demands in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to property, myself or the driver I represent as Parent or Guardian,  howsoever caused, arising out of or in connection with my driving, or the driver I represent as Parent or Guardian attending this event, notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of other drivers, their representatives, agents or Parents/Guardians. I confirm that I have seen a copy of and have read and agree to abide by the event regulations, safety advice issued on the day at drivers briefing, and instructions issued during the event by officials, including flag signals during races. 


I confirm that I and the driver I represent as Parent or Guardian understand fully the flag signals common to kart race meetings held in the UK, and hereby agree to abide by all flag signals issued to me/the driver I represent as Parent or Guardian  during the event.


I confirm that my equipment will be maintained to a safe standard and I have the relevant safety equipment for racing. I accept that I shall be solely responsible for any decision as to my fitness, or that of the driver I represent as Parent or Guardian to drive, the track worthy condition of any vehicle and whether to drive or discontinue to drive the vehicle at any time whilst it is in my possession or under my or their control. I will satisfy myself before taking part that the venue and track is acceptable with regard to its features and physical layout. I will not take part or allow the driver I represent as Parent or Guardian to take part, if I have any doubt of my ability, or that of the driver I represent as Parent or Guardian, or the safety of the equipment or venue. I will not participate whilst under the influence of alcohol or intoxicating drugs and, if I or the driver I represent as Parent or Guardian are taking any prescribed medication, I will inform the event organisers before arriving at the circuit and seek approval before taking part. 


I hereby declare that I/the driver I represent as Parent or Guardian am in good health, our eyesight is up to the standard required for a road driving test and that I/they are not suffering from epilepsy or haemophilia or any other illness or disability that may make it unsafe for me/them to drive or continue to drive.


I accept that the event will be attended by a medical professional and vehicle offering basic medical assistance on site, and I have made the decision to drive/allow the driver I represent as Parent or Guardian to drive, in full knowledge and appreciation of this fact. I further accept that the indemnity which I have given above includes any situation arising out of or in connection with the lack of such facilities.




FOR PARTICIPANTS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 YRS - As parent/legal guardian of the driver taking part, I hereby accept these conditions and confirm that my child is competent to take part and will comply with the Regulations. I will, before allowing him/her to take part, satisfy myself that the course, vehicles and facilities are safe and will inspect same. I also hereby agree that if the child should sustain injury from any cause whilst taking part in the event, either on or off track during the event, and, as a result, bring a claim for compensation against the organisers, officials, entrants or owners of the venue, I will indemnify and pay back to you to the maximum extent permitted by law any sum which you may be required to pay as a result of such claim. 

Complete Your Entry Form Here, Including Transponder No. If You Have One. Transponders can be hired from the circuit on the day for £5.
Do You Have Your Own Transponder?

Thanks for Completing Your Entry

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